Selasa, 22 Mei 2012

READING: Infertility Services



Infertility is a problem faced by many couple longing for the arrival of their newborn. In Indonesia, infertility couple account for 15% of all couples within childbearing age group. Infertility services provide rational, complete and integrated services on examination and treatment of infertility couple. A professional term runs this program and supported by sophisticated laboratorium and diagnostic equipment.


            Rapid progress in the science of human reproduction in the last 25 years has given a hope to infertile couple, who pregnancies due to certain reason cannot happen naturally.

            In vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVT-ET) is a procedure when eggs are taken from the women’s body, fertilized in the laboratory by her husband sperms and then the embryo is transferred into the mother’s womb. The first Indonesia’s test tube baby who was born on may 1988, ensured by more than 200 babies up to now

            Recently, a new technique, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) which needs only one sperm, has given a new hope for severe male infertility unable to be treated by conventional IVF which needs a couple hundred thousands sperm minimally.

Source : Harapan Kita Hospital at a Glance, 1999)

Vocabulary   :

  • Infertility       : kemandulan
  • Newborn       : baru lahir
  • Childbearing : mampu melahirkan
  • Rational         : masuk akal
  • Integrated      : memadukan
  • Sophisticated : canggih
  • Reproduction: perkembangbiakan
  • Womb             : rahim
  • Conventional : lazim

Translate the text above into Bahasa Indonesia!


Answer the following question based on the text!

  1.               What is the meaning of infertility?

  2.        What should infertility services provide for infertility couples?

  3.        When was the first Indonesia’s test tube baby born?

  4.       List two procedures that can help infertile couple have a new hope for the arrival of the baby?

  5.             What is the similarity the word “womb” in anatomical terms?

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