Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

READING: Pregnancy Test

Pregnancy Test

A pregnancy test measures a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). HCG is a hormone produced during pregnancy. It appears in the blood and urine of pregnant women as early as 10 days after conception.
A pregnancy test may be performed using blood or urine. There are two types of blood pregnancy tests:
  • Qualitative, which measures whether the HCG hormone is present
  • Quantitative, which measures how much HCG is present
The blood test is done by drawing a single tube of blood and sending it to a laboratory. You may wait anywhere from a few hours to more than a day to get the results.
The urine HCG test is usually performed by placing a drop of urine on a prepared chemical strip. It generally takes 1 to 2 minutes for a result.
The urine test involves normal urination into a cup. The serum tests involve drawing blood through a needle and into a tube. Any discomfort you might feel from the blood draw will only last a few seconds.
This test may be done to:
  • Determine if you are pregnant
  • Diagnose abnormal conditions that can raise HCG levels
  • Watch the development of the pregnancy during the first 3 months (quantitative test only)

Vocabulary :
Pregnancy     : kehamilan
Measure         : mengukur
Conception    : penghamilan
Hormone       : hormon
Chemical       : kimia
Tube               : pembuluh
Discomfort    : keadaan tak senang
Determine     : menentukan
Abnormal      : tidak normal

Translate the text above into Bahasa Indonesia!

Answer the following questions based on the text!
  1. What is the pregnancy test?
  2. How the text is performed?
  3. How the test will feel?
  4. Why the test is performed? give some reasons!

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