Selasa, 22 Mei 2012

READING & SPEAKING: Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs, venereal diseases) are among the most common infectious diseases in the United States today. STDs are sometimes referred to as sexually transmitted infections, since these conditions involve the transmission of an infectious organism between sex partners. More than 20 different STDs have been identified, and about 19 million men and women are infected each year in the United States, according to the CDC (2010).
Depending on the disease, the infection can be spread through any type of sexual activity involving the sex organs, the anus, or the mouth; an infection can also be spread through contact with blood during sexual activity. STDs are infrequently transmitted by any other type of contact (blood, body fluids or tissue removed from an STD infected person and placed in contact with an uninfected person); however, people that share unsterilized needles markedly increase the chance to pass many diseases, including STD's (especially hepatitis B), to others. Some diseases are not considered to be officially an STD (for example, hepatitis types A, C, E) but are infrequently noted to be transferred during sexual activity. Consequently, some authors include them as STD's, others do not. Consequently, lists of STD's can vary, depending on whether the STD is usually transmitted by sexual contact or only infrequently transmitted. 

Source            : From:

Vocabulary   :

  • Sexually         : secara seksual
  • Disease          : penyakit
  • Infectious       : menular
  • Transmission: pengiriman
  • Markedly       : dengan jelas
  • Infrequently  : dengan jarang

Translate the text above into Bahasa Indonesia!

Answer the following question according to the text!

  1. What is the definition of Sexually transmitted diseases?
  2. What is the cause of STDs?
  3. How many STDs that have been identified?
  4. How STDs can be spread through the human?
  5. Mention some kinds of STDs?




The crush program is still going on. The participants are very diligent. None of them misses the sessions.

Laura              : what is the theme today?

Hanum           : I think we will listen to the lecture on disease.

Speaker          : yes… I will talk about some sexually transmitted disease especially gonorrhea and infection by Chlamydia can cause scarring and blocking of the tubes and are a major cause of infertility.

Michiko         : oh, that’s horrible!

Speaker          : indeed yes… it’s horrible…in tubal ligation the fallopian tubes are surgically cut and theirs ends tied to prevent pregnancy.

Hanum           : very bad…then a women cannot have her own baby.

Speaker          : well…that’s faith.



Answer the question according to the dialog!

1.      How is the situation in the crash program?

2.      What is the subject now?

3.      Why is the disease so dangerous?

4.      Why is the pregnancy prevented?

5.      How is prevented?


  •   Make a dialog with the same situation.

  •   Find the difficult word in the dialog.

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